Here we are!

Once upon a time...

Charlie and I met a long time ago (OK it's been 11 years now) in the Arvada, Colorado singles ward.  I know it's not the most romantic story, but hey what else are singles wards for if they're not for meeting the person you marry?  Anyway, I had been attending the Arvada Singles branch and Charlie had been attending the Denver North singles branch when they decided to merge the two branches into one big ward.  The merging of these branches ended up yeilding about 12 marriges that next year, and ours was one of them! 

     So apparently Charlie had a crush one me the moment he met me, but I was too busy dealing with social drama to notice.  Eventually he worked up the courage to ask me out and when he did I almost said no.  Now don't get me wrong, I didn't almost say no because I didn't like him, I simply had never thought about him in that way, or even considered the possibility, so it had more to do with shock.  In fact, at first I thought he was joking, because as those of you who know him know, he is quite the jokster.  However, right as I was forming the words to turn him down, the thought came into my head that if I said no I would be making a HUGE mistake!

That thought, of course, was the Holy Ghost guiding me towards my future!  So I said yes and after that things happened pretty quickly.  I found that once I did consider Charlie, he was perfect for me and had everything I was looking for in a husband.  As for Charlie, he always says that he was just waiting for me to be ready, so he already knew he wanted to spend eternitiy with me.  So after only six months of dating we were married in the Denver, Colorado temple on June 17, 2000.  We recently celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary and it has been the happiest 10 years of my life!!

Here we are now!

Oh the 10 years that we've been married, we've had four little monkeys.

The monkeys!