This Charlie Brown family resides in Thornton, Colorado and consists of four little peanuts, two big peanuts, two snoopys (only they're not beagles), and one cat. Our four little peanuts are Shannan (9), Justin (7), Zach (4), and Caleb (2). Yes that's right, we have three very active and crazy boys, and one very calm and mostly gentle girl.
Our snoopy's are Misty, a yellow lab, and Strider, a mutt (and yes he's named after the Lord of the Rings).
Our cat, Tucker, was adopted several years ago to help control our mouse problem, and he has been extremely successful at earning his keep. Tucker is more of a neighborhood cat who just lodges at our house on occasion, and I pity any other cat that decides to challenge his territory (he has been in brawls with foxes, so he's fierce).
The two big peanuts in our family are the one and only Charlie Brown and of course me! Charlie is an electrician by trade, but will be returning to college for the winter semester to pursue a new career as an Athletic Trainer. Hurrah for him!! He is very excited about this new turn in events and we're all sure he will make the best Athletic Trainer ever. Who wouldn't want to have Charlie Brown as their Athletic Trainer??
As for me, I am currently finishing my four year degree in Human Services and expect to graduate in May 2011! Hurrah for me, I'm almost done!! It has been four long, hard years so far and I'm very excited to be nearing the finish line. Upon completion I will be a Certified Addiction Counselor I! This is a field of work that I feel very passionate about and am absolutely thrilled to be a part of! In fact, I've already applied for a couple of positions, so everyone wish me luck with those please!!
So there is a quick run down on us! Keep checking back to find out what other fun and exciting things we are up to!
You have such a cute family!